We are constantly adding videos to this section. Please do check back to discover more information on starting a new business. You can also receive notifications of new videos by subscribing to our news letter (under ‘contact us’)

 (1) Structure

In this video we examine the best way to structure your business - should you be a Sole Trader? or a Partnership? or how about a Limited Liability Company (LLC)? or even a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)?

(2) Funding

Building on how to structure your business, in this video we look at the various funding options available to you and analyse the pros and cons of each type of funding

(3) Equity

In this video we look at Equity funding in more detail and examine the pros and cons of giving away (selling) part of your business, including the use of share options

(4) Debt

Here we examine the pros and cons of using debt to fund your business, as opposed to equity, including how to reduce your borrowing costs.

(5) Directors

Understanding your role and responsibilities as a director of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is very important. Here we discuss the key things you need to know.

(6) Admin

Everyone’s least favourite part of any business - the admin. Yet setting up systems and processes from an early stage, along with getting (and keeping) on top of the paperwork is essential if your business is to grow. Here we discuss some hints & tips.

We are constantly adding videos to this section. Please do check back to discover more information on starting a new business….

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